The Stigma of Sustainability
As new technology advances at an astronomical pace,
humanities progress has improved at a glacial pace. Sustainable development
cannot be successful no matter how many technological advances happen it must
be the decisions, mindsets, and the behaviors of people that can change the
situation. Think of how many parts of sustainability are simply a matter of a
little extra thought and care about how things are designed and disposed of.
Building orientation, passive design, and waste management/reduction are just a
view of early, free decisions that can greatly impact energy use and reuse of
materials. Technology is certainly important,
but it’s more like the icing on the sustainable cake. The heart of the matter
is actually how people respond to the actual conditions that confront them in
their environment and daily lives.
So why haven’t we all rallied around the need to be
sustainable and thoughtful about how we treat God’s beautiful planet. I believe
to some extent it is on the part of ignorance about our predicament. Some
people are oblivious that the way they live their lives is actually impacting
everyone. Increasing awareness is something we can all to (this blog is
evidence of that). What I think is the largest reason that most have not
reevaluated their lives and changed to become sustainable is because of the
stigmas associates with sustainability. The most fundamental stigmas are: 1.
Sustainability Costs too much 2. Sustainability is inconvenient and burdensome and
3. That sustainability is beyond our control.
I must confess, I’m working on my own self with these stigmas
and ideas as I come to learn more about the dire straits we are in. I’m so used
to a life of disposal and convenience that it has been difficult for me to
change (And I’ve been educated about our situation!) Just speaking freely here,
I love getting to school or work quickly and efficiently in my car without
having to leave early, sweat, and ride a bike every day. However, I don’t have
to ride in my SUV 20 minutes both ways alone! Carpooling is a viable option for minimizing the carbon used if 2
other people going the same way ride with you. Let’s consider the three stigmas
with this one aspect. 1. Carpooling costs too much- of course this is not true
the more people you drive the more money you save and the less you harm the
environment. 2. Carpooling is inconvenient and burdensome – This can be true if
you do not coordinate between riders, however if you pick up people closer to
you and arrange pick up times you can be to work on time stress free. 3.
Carpooling is beyond our control- Everyone can drive, this is completely
Think of how many scenarios that we may have applied these
stigmas and have allowed them to keep us from helping out the planet. We could
evaluate our decisions sand see if we can’t do a little that will change a lot.
It is unrealistic to say that there are never tradeoffs with sustainability but
I think it is safe to say that the pros certainly outweigh the cons. But that’s
just my thinking …next time.
Great job on the blog, Kiersin, very thoughtful and a good read...!